In accordance with Malaysian government regulations, foreign investors are required to obtain a work permit before they can open a bank account. This means that if you want to embark on your business journey in Malaysia, the initial step is to complete the company registration task and gain access to the virtual address with all the necessary legal formalities.
Once your company is legally established, you can proceed to open a bank account to conduct financial transactions. You can’t do this alone; you need a solid back to support you from start to finish. Make sure to consult with the consulting team; otherwise, you'll fall into the big trap.
The service SFM Consulting offer
Why choose SFM Consulting Firm Sdn Bhd for opening bank account?
SFM Consulting has a team of tax attorneys and legal advisors as well as a strong network of banks and lawyers in Malaysia. We have got your back to fully support your business start-up and let you concentrate on other crucial aspects of business expansion.
Business consultant since 2016